In 1999, John Whitacre Jr. fell from his horse Colby breaking his lumbar vertebra. While recuperating he recorded the history of Whitacre Greer. This continues his story:
Harold Hamilton, Richard Cascioli, Angelo Rugani, Pat Longo and many I have failed to mention all grew up in this period, most worked over 40 years for WG, dug deep and did great work under difficult circumstances for a long time.
WG permitted Case School to hold its annual two-week summer surveying camp on WG property east of Waynesburg from the mid-1930s to the mid-1940s. In the 1950s and 1960s, we used consulting services of Case professors W.R. Meredith, labor relations, and J.F. Wallace, hot top research. Both men taught me while I was at Case. Professor Wallace once complained to Professor Meredith that he, Wallace, had much too large a consulting business. Meredith replied, “Jack, simply keep raising your prices until your business drops to the level you want.” Problem solved.
Later, Jack Wallace was advisor to my daughter Lynn, who was in her second year at Case.
The Caldwell Farm, now the location of Lake Mohawk, was sold in 1962 for $50,000. By the end of this period, in addition to the non-clay refractories, we had acquired enough business in an assortment of clay products, both structural and refractory, to operate both Waynesburg and Magnolia factories above a break-even level.