Contact Whitacre Greer this spring and you’ll likely hear a new voice on the telephone. In an effort to better utilize employees’ strengths, we moved a couple of folks around in February and hired two.
Customer Service Representative Vince Edwards has moved into a newly created purchasing position. He’ll be working with EHS/Engineering Manager John Miller to develop the position’s duties. Vince joined Whitacre Greer in 2012 and has served in an inside sales and customer service role to date.
Long-time employee Sam Hatcher has performed nearly every job in the plant in his nearly 40 years with Whitacre Greer. Recently, Sam has been serving a customer service role. With the reorganization, Sam will return to the warehouse where he’ll be assembling and shipping samples as requested by architects, customers and WG’s Regional Sales Managers.
Filling the customer service positions vacated by Sam and Vince, we’ve hired two new folks. March 1st Jonathan Silvey and Gregory Shiprak joined Whitacre Greer. Both bring a variety of customer service experience to the positions. Jon has filled many roles in the restaurant industry and is an adjunct instructor in the English Department at Stark State University. Greg comes to Whitacre Greer from the hotel industry. Please join us in welcoming Jon and Greg to Whitacre Greer.
Jonathan Silvey’s email address is His telephone number is (800)947-2837 x249.
Gregory Shiprak’s email address is His telephone number is (800)947-2837 x241.
Vince, VP Sales/Marketing Mic McAfee, and Corporate VP of Finance Chris Kaboth will be training Jon and Greg in the coming weeks. We appreciate your consideration as we make this transition.
Colby Flies Airplanes
After nearly 13 years with Whitacre Greer during which he served in both sales and operations roles, Colby DeHoff is leaving the ranks of the organization’s full time employees. Beginning March 1st, Colby will begin a part-time marketing position with Whitacre Greer. The part-time position will allow him to pursue his passion – aviation – while still contributing to Whitacre Greer’s success. Many of you know that Colby has been a pilot since age 16 and is an aircraft owner and flight instructor. Aviation has been a steadfast hobby for most of his life. He desires to make it a career. Please wish him the best.