Solar Reflectance Index of Whitacre Greer 30 Series Pavers Exceeds Requirements for USGBC LEED Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect Non-Roof

Recent testing of Whitacre Greer 30 series pavers revealed that Shades 30 Clear Red, 32 Antique, 33 Dark Antique and 36 Red Sunset meet USGBC LEED requirements for Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect Non-Roof with a solar reflectance values (SRI)2 of at least 29.  Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect Non-Roof is intended to reduce heat islands (thermal gradient differences between developed and undeveloped areas) to minimize impact on microclimate and human and wildlife habitat.  Read more about the LEED rating system at the  Solar Reflective Index test data is available here for review.