The Whitacre Greer MFR-100 series fireplace has been qualified by EPA under the Voluntary Fireplace Program. The site-built masonry fireplace easily meets the EPA phase 2 requirement with emissions of just 4.3 grams per kilogram.
The clean burning MFR-100 series fireplace is the only site built masonry fireplace to earn EPA qualification.
The EPA Clean Wood-Burning Fireplace Program was undertaken to encourage the development and sale of a new generation of lower-emitting fireplaces that burn cord wood. EPA’s fireplace program covers new masonry and prefabricated (low-mass) fireplaces. These wood burning fireplaces are over 70 percent cleaner than existing wood burning fireplaces. While EPA does not endorse one qualified fireplace over another, they do encourage builders and others to install cleaner burning fireplaces like the MFR-100 Masonry Series from Whitacre Greer.
The MFR-100 series fireplace uses patented catalytic technology to capture particulates before smoke and dilution air travel up the chimney. The technology is completely passive and has no moving parts. It does not require power. Additionally, the catalytic system is invisible to the homeowner.
Please visit the EPA’s Burn Wise website – – for additional information on the Voluntary Fireplace Program and Qualified fireplaces.
For additional information on the MFR-100 series fireplace, please visit –