Appropriate winter clay paver maintenance can extend the life of your clay pavers. Clay paving brick can provide many years of reliable service when properly maintained. Follow these guidelines for winter maintenance and general cleaning of Whitacre Greer clay pavers.
Clay pavers are highly resistant to absorption of stains and can be kept clean in most environments by regular sweeping. Low pressure water can be helpful when removing soil. Detergents added to the water stream may speed the cleaning of soiled pavers. Proprietary cleaners such as Prosoco’s Sure Klean Vana Trol may be used if necessary. Follow the cleaner manufacturer’s directions. Acid- based cleaners should not be used on clay pavers. High pressure water may cause damage to clay pavers. High pressure water may also compromise sand filled joints.
Efflorescence is a white, powdery substance that may occasionally appear on the surface of pavers. It is the product of soluble compounds normally found in other pavement components or underlying soils, which are deposited on the surface of the paver as absorbed water evaporates from the pavement surface. Soluble compounds absorbed by the pavement from deicing chemicals also may cause efflorescence. Efflorescence often can be vacuumed or brushed off the surface and removed from dry pavers. Washing downhill with water may temporarily dissipate soluble compounds by dissolving them. However, care must be taken to ensure that the contaminated water drains away from and does not re-enter the paving system. In many cases, efflorescence will be minimal and will wear away naturally with traffic and weathering during the early life of the pavement. If the salts are the result of groundwater or other more persistent water ingress, proprietary cleaners are available to assist in their removal. Proper surface and subsurface drainage are critical in these situations.
Several proprietary chemical products are available for preventing and removing ice from paved surfaces that perform well and reduce potential staining of pavers. Among these are calcium magnesium acetate and urea. The former is preferred because it is more effective at lower temperatures. Deicing of pavements has been undertaken for many years using rock salt. This material contains calcium chloride and can cause efflorescence. Sand or grit used to provide traction on ice should be swept up after the freezing cycle to minimize grinding of the pavers. Ice scrapers should not be used.
Clearing snow from clay pavements can be undertaken using plows, snow blowers, shovels and brushes as used for other pavements. Care must be taken to ensure that the blades of the equipment do not scrape the pavement surface in a manner that might cause chipping or scratches. Rubber or urethane blade edges can be used, or proper blade height can be maintained above the pavement surface using guide wheels. Any residual snow can be cleared with brushes. Some snow- clearing procedures use heavy equipment to stockpile and subsequently remove the snow from the property. If such equipment is used, the load capacity of the pavement should be adequately designed. Remove snow from Truncated Dome ADA pavers with brushes and brooms.
Clay pavers are very durable and can withstand very harsh conditions. Follow these winter clay paver maintenance recommendations for the best results.